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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:0
  • Kun: す.む
  • On: セイ
  • Meaning: nest, rookery, hive, cobweb, den
  • Examples:
    nest, rookery, breeding place, hive; den; haunt; (spider's) web
    栖むすむto live (of animals), to inhabit, to nest
    栖息せいそくinhabiting, living
    隠栖いんせいsecluded life
    旧栖きゅうせいold home, former home, old nest
    幽栖ゆうせいliving a quiet life in seclusion away from the masses
    羊栖菜ひじきhijiki (dark edible seaweed usu. sold in dried black strips; Hizikia fusiformis)
    終の栖ついのすみかone's final abode