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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:260
  • Kun: いきお.い, はずみ
  • On: セイ, ゼイ
  • Meaning: forces, energy, military strength
  • Examples:
    勢いいきおいforce, vigor, vigour, energy, spirit, life; influence, authority, power, might; impetus, momentum, course (of events); naturally, necessarily
    勢みはずみbounce, spring, rebound; momentum, inertia; spur of the moment, impulse
    姿勢しせいattitude, posture
    情勢じょうせいstate of things, state of affairs, condition, situation, circumstances
    勢力せいりょくinfluence, power, might, strength, potency, force, energy
    態勢たいせいattitude, conditions, preparations
    大勢おおぜい, たいぜいmany, crowd, great number of people
    攻勢こうせいoffensive (movement), aggression
    伊勢丹いせたんIsetan (department store)
    優勢ゆうせいsuperiority, superior power, predominance, preponderance