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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:135
  • Kun: よ, さんじゅう
  • On: セイ, セ, ソウ
  • Meaning: generation, world, society, public
  • Examples:
    world, society, age, generation
    世界せかいthe world, society, the universe
    世代せだいgeneration, the world, the age
    世論せろん, よろんpublic opinion
    世界的せかいてきglobal, international, world-famous
    世紀せいきcentury, era
    世帯せたい, しょたいhousehold, home, family, housekeeping
    世話せわlooking after, help, aid, assistance
    世の中よのなかsociety, the world, the times
    世間せけんworld, society