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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1873
  • Kun: みず-, しるし
  • On: ズイ, スイ
  • Meaning: congratulations
  • Examples:
    瑞宝章ずいほうしょうOrders of the Sacred Treasure
    みず, ずいyouth, freshness, purity, luster (lustre), beauty; good omen
    瑞西すいす, スイスSwitzerland; Swiss
    瑞典すうぇーでん, スウェーデンSweden
    奇瑞きずいauspicious (good) omen
    瑞々しいみずみずしいyoung (and lustrous), fresh, juicy; lively, vivacious, animated, vibrant
    瑞瑞しいみずみずしいyoung (and lustrous), fresh, juicy; lively, vivacious, animated, vibrant
    瑞気ずいきgood omen
    瑞穂の国みずほのくにJapan, the Land of Abundant Rice
    瑞兆ずいちょうauspicious sign, good omen