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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:674
  • Kun: ま.す
  • On: エキ, ヤク
  • Meaning: benefit, gain, profit, advantage
  • Examples:
    利益りえき, りやくprofit, gains; benefit, advantage, interest (of the public, etc.); grace (of God, Buddha, etc.) (esp. as attained through rightful actions, prayer, adherence to one's faith, etc.), blessing, miracle
    収益しゅうえきearnings, proceeds, returns
    えき, やく, ようbenefit, use, good, advantage, gain; profit, gains
    経常利益けいじょうりえきcurrent profits, ordinary profit, income before income taxes
    減益げんえきdecrease in profits
    差益さえきmarginal profits
    増益ぞうえきincreased (profit)
    国益こくえきnational interest
    公益こうえきpublic, public good
    公益法人こうえきほうじんpublic-service corporation, charitable corporation; juridical (legal) person working for the public good