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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1339
  • Kun: すべから.く, すべし, ひげ, まつ, もち.いる, もと.める
  • On: ス, シュ
  • Meaning: ought, by all means, necessarily
  • Examples:
    必須ひっすindispensable, required
    須らくすべからくby all means, in all cases, ought to do
    須くすべからくby all means, in all cases, ought to do
    急須きゅうすsmall teapot
    急須の口きゅうすのくちspout of a teapot
    恵比須えびす, ゑびす, えべす, ひるこEbisu (god of fishing and commerce)
    須臾しばらく, しゅゆ, すゆlittle while, short while, moment, instant; a while, quite a time; it's been a long time
    必須科目ひっすかもくrequired subjects
    須要しゅようabsolutely necessary
    白長須鯨しろながすくじら, シロナガスクジラblue whale (Balaenoptera musculus)