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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:828
  • Kun: nan
  • On: ジン
  • Meaning: camp, battle array, ranks, position
  • Examples:
    陣営じんえいcamp (group of same ideological beliefs)
    報道陣ほうどうじんpress corps
    退陣たいじんretreat, withdrawal, retirement
    布陣ふじんbattle formation, lineup
    初陣ういじんfirst campaign, one's first battle
    出陣しゅつじんdeparture for the front
    陣地じんち(military) encampment, position
    じんbattle formation, camp, encampment
    陣頭じんとうhead of an army
    陣中じんちゅうin camp, at the front