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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:730
  • Kun: の.びる, の.ばす, の.べる, の.す
  • On: シン
  • Meaning: expand, stretch, extend, lengthen, increase
  • Examples:
    伸びのび, ノビgrowth, development; stretching (e.g. body when waking up); spread, elongation, extension, carry (e.g. of sound), sustain
    伸しのしstretching; sidestroke (in swimming)
    伸び率のびりつgrowth rate, coefficient of extension
    伸び悩むのびなやむto be sluggish (business)
    急伸きゅうしんsudden rise (esp. of stock prices), jump
    続伸ぞくしんcontinuous rise
    伸び伸びのびのびfeeling at ease, carefree
    伸びやかのびやかcomfortable, carefree
    伸長しんちょうexpansion, extension, elongation, stretching, uncompression
    伸縮しんしゅくexpansion and contraction, elasticity, flexibility