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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:52
  • Kun: ば
  • On: ジョウ, チョウ
  • Meaning: location, place
  • Examples:
    現場げんば, げんじょうactual spot, scene, scene of the crime
    市場いちば(town) market; (the) marketplace
    場所ばしょplace, location
    立場たちばstandpoint, position, situation
    工場こうじょう, こうばfactory, plant, mill, workshop
    会場かいじょうassembly hall, meeting place, the grounds
    劇場げきじょうtheatre, theater, playhouse
    出場しゅつじょう(stage) appearance, participation, performance
    場面ばめんscene, setting (e.g. of novel)
    職場しょくばone's post, place of work, workplace