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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:548
  • Kun: かえり.みる, はぶ.く
  • On: セイ, ショウ
  • Meaning: focus, government ministry, conserve
  • Examples:
    外務省がいむしょうMinistry of Foreign Affairs
    大蔵省おおくらしょう(former) Ministry of Finance (succeeded by zaimushou in 2000)
    厚生省こうせいしょうMinistry of Health and Welfare (now Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)
    同省どうしょうthe said ministry, the same ministry
    通産省つうさんしょう(former) Ministry of International Trade and Industry (now Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry), MITI
    運輸省うんゆしょうMinistry of Transport
    省庁しょうちょうministries and government offices, the authorities
    文部省もんぶしょうMinistry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
    反省はんせいreflection, reconsideration, introspection, meditation, contemplation
    郵政省ゆうせいしょうMinistry of Posts and Telecommunications