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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1757
  • Kun: てのひら, たなごころ
  • On: ショウ
  • Meaning: manipulate, rule, administer, conduct, palm of hand
  • Examples:
    車掌しゃしょう(train) conductor
    掌握しょうあくgrasping, seizing, holding
    てのひら, たなごころthe palm (of one's hand)
    合掌がっしょうpressing one's hands together in prayer; "please" or "with respect" in Buddhist correspondence (i.e the veneration mudra)
    掌るつかさどるto rule, to govern, to administer
    掌中しょうちゅうin the hand, (something) easily manipulated
    管掌かんしょうtaking charge, management
    手掌しゅしょうpalmar, palm
    掌中の玉しょうちゅうのたまapple of one's eye
    掌紋しょうもんpalm print