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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:2328
  • Kun: nan
  • On: ショウ
  • Meaning: extract, selection, summary, copy, spread thin
  • Examples:
    しょうexcerpt, extract; annotation; shou (unit of volume, approx. 1.8 ml)
    抄本しょうほんexcerpt, abridgment, book of selections
    抄録しょうろくquotation, abstract, selection, summary
    抄くすくto make something (i.e. paper) from wet, pulpy material by spreading it thin and drying it
    抄訳しょうやくabridged translation
    抄出しょうしゅつtaking excerpts, extraction
    戸籍抄本こせきしょうほんofficial copy of part of family register
    抄物しょうもの, しょうもつMuromachi-period texts or annotations of texts used in Zen lectures; extracting from or excerpting (a classic)
    史記抄しきしょうcommentary on Shiki