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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:845
  • Kun: きず, いた.む, いた.める
  • On: ショウ
  • Meaning: wound, hurt, injure, impair, pain, injury, cut, gash, scar, weak point
  • Examples:
    きず, しょうwound, injury, cut, gash, bruise, scratch, hurt; scar; chip, crack, scratch; (emotional) hurt, hurt feelings; weak point, flaw
    重傷じゅうしょう, おもでserious wound or injury
    軽傷けいしょうminor injury
    死傷者ししょうしゃcasualties, killed and wounded
    傷者しょうしゃwounded person, casualty, injured person
    傷害しょうがいwound, injury, accident, casualty; assault
    負傷ふしょうinjury, wound
    損傷そんしょうdamage, injury
    傷跡きずあと, しょうこんscar, cicatrix
    殺傷さっしょうkill and wound