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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1160
  • Kun: つい.で, ついで
  • On: ジョ
  • Meaning: preface, beginning, order, precedence, occasion, chance, incidentally
  • Examples:
    秩序ちつじょorder, regularity, system, method
    序盤じょばんthe opening(s) (e.g. in a game of go or chess)
    ついでopportunity, occasion
    序列じょれつrank, ranking order, hierarchy
    順序じゅんじょorder, sequence, procedure
    年功序列ねんこうじょれつseniority by length of service
    無秩序むちつじょdisorder, chaos, confusion
    序文じょぶんpreface, foreword, introduction
    序曲じょきょくoverture, prelude
    序二段じょにだんjonidan (second lowest) division