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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:658
  • Kun: もろ
  • On: ショ
  • Meaning: various, many, several, together
  • Examples:
    諸君しょくんGentlemen!, Ladies!
    諸般しょはんvarious, several
    諸悪しょあくevery (kind of) evil or crime
    しょvarious, many, several
    諸々もろもろall kinds of, various
    諸にもろにcompletely, all the way, altogether, bodily
    欧州諸国おうしゅうしょこくEuropean countries
    欧米諸言語おうべいしょげんごthe languages of Europe and America
    欧米諸国おうべいしょこくthe various countries of Europe and America
    近隣諸国きんりんしょこくneighboring countries, neighbouring countries, surrounding countries