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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:13
  • Kun: で.る, -で, だ.す, -だ.す, い.でる, い.だす
  • On: シュツ, スイ
  • Meaning: exit, leave
  • Examples:
    出すだすto take out, to get out; to put out, to reveal, to show; to submit (e.g. thesis), to turn in; to publish, to make public; to send (e.g. letter); to produce (a sound), to start (fire); to serve (food); to begin
    出身しゅっしんperson's origin (town, city, country, etc.); institution from which one graduated; director in charge of employee relations
    輸出ゆしゅつ, しゅしゅつexport; efferent (medical)
    出場しゅつじょう(stage) appearance, participation, performance
    進出しんしゅつadvance, step forward
    coming out, going out, outflow, efflux, rising (of the sun or moon); attending (work), appearing (on stage), one's turn to go on; start, beginning; origins, background, person (or item) originating from ..., graduate of ..., native of ..., member of ... (lineage); architectural member that projects outward; highest point of the stern of a ship; amount (comprising something), amount of time or effort required to do something
    演出えんしゅつproduction (e.g. play), direction
    出演しゅつえんperformance, stage appearance; to act (in a play)
    出席しゅっせきattendance, presence, appearance; to attend, to be present, to appear
    出馬しゅつばgoing on horseback; going in person; running for election