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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:193
  • Kun: え, おも.い, おも.り, おも.なう, かさ.ねる, かさ.なる, おも
  • On: ジュウ, チョウ
  • Meaning: heavy, heap up, pile up, nest of boxes, -fold
  • Examples:
    重要じゅうようimportant, momentous, essential, principal, major
    重大じゅうだいserious, important, significant, grave, weighty
    重みおもみimportance, weight, dignity, emphasis
    貴重きちょうprecious, valuable
    重ねるかさねるto pile up, to put something on another, to heap up, to add, to repeat
    重視じゅうしimportance, stress, serious consideration
    重点じゅうてんimportant point, lay stress on, colon, emphasis
    慎重しんちょうdiscretion, prudence, caution, care
    体重たいじゅうone's body weight