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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1258
  • Kun: たて
  • On: ジュウ
  • Meaning: vertical, length, height, self-indulgent, wayward
  • Examples:
    たてthe vertical, height; front-to-back, length
    操縦そうじゅうflying (a plane); management, handling, control, manipulation
    縦横じゅうおう, たてよこlength and width, every direction, warp and woof, right and left, vertically and horizontally, length and breadth
    縦断じゅうだんflying through, cutting across, longitudinal slice
    縦割りたてわりdividing vertically, vertical split, top-to-bottom sectioning, division into sections, splitting lengthwise
    縦書きたてがきvertical writing
    縦糸たていと(weaving) warp
    縦横無尽じゅうおうむじんfreely, right and left, as one pleases
    縦軸たてじく, じゅうじくvertical axis, vertical line; vertical shaft, spindle
    ほしいままselfish, self-indulgent, arbitrary