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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1011
  • Kun: しぶ, しぶ.い, しぶ.る
  • On: ジュウ, シュウ
  • Meaning: astringent, hesitate, reluctant, have diarrhea
  • Examples:
    渋滞じゅうたいcongestion (e.g. traffic), delay, stagnation
    苦渋くじゅうbitterness, mortification, difficulty in understanding, distress, affliction
    しぶastringent (puckery) juice (of unripe persimmons)
    渋々しぶしぶreluctantly, unwillingly
    渋いしぶいtasteful (clothing), cool, an aura of refined masculinity; astringent, sullen, bitter (taste), raspy (voice); grim, quiet; sober, stingy
    渋るしぶるto hesitate, to be reluctant, to have loose painful bowel movement
    渋り腹しぶりばらbowel pains, painful loose bowels
    渋いワインしぶいワインrough wine, cheap wine
    渋柿しぶがきastringent persimmon