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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:601
  • Kun: したが.う, したが.える, より
  • On: ジュウ, ショウ, ジュ
  • Meaning: accompany, obey, submit to, comply, follow, secondary, incidental, subordinate
  • Examples:
    従来じゅうらいup to now, so far, traditional, existing (e.g. equipment)
    従業員じゅうぎょういんemployee, worker
    従ってしたがってtherefore, consequently, in accordance with
    従事じゅうじengaging, pursuing, following (e.g. profession or occupation)
    専従せんじゅうworking exclusively for, working full-time (for)
    合従連衡がっしょうれんこうalliance (of the Six Kingdoms against the Qin dynasty, and of individual Kingdoms with the Qin dynasty), (tactic of) making & breaking alliances (to benefit oneself as the occasion demands), resorting to alliances as a diplomatic expedient
    従属じゅうぞくsubordination, dependency
    服従ふくじゅうobedience, submission, resignation