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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:450
  • Kun: おお.い
  • On: シュウ, シュ
  • Meaning: masses, great numbers, multitude, populace
  • Examples:
    衆院しゅういんlower house of the Diet
    大衆たいしゅうgeneral public
    民衆みんしゅうpeople, populace, masses
    しゅう, しゅmasses, great number, the people
    聴衆ちょうしゅうaudience, attendance, hearers
    衆議院しゅうぎいんlower house, House of Representatives
    観衆かんしゅうspectators, onlookers, members of the audience
    公衆電話こうしゅうでんわpublic telephone, pay phone
    群衆ぐんしゅう, ぐんしゅ, ぐんじゅgroup (of people), crowd, horde, throng, mob, multitude
    公衆こうしゅうthe public, general public