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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:635
  • Kun: あき, とき
  • On: シュウ
  • Meaning: autumn
  • Examples:
    あきautumn, fall
    今秋こんしゅうthis (next, last) autumn (fall)
    昨秋さくしゅうautumn of last year, fall of last year
    春秋しゅんじゅう, はるあきspring and autumn, spring and fall, months and years; the Chronicles of Lu or the Spring and Autumn Annals - one of the Five Classics
    千秋楽せんしゅうらくconcluding festivities, final day of a sumo tournament, concluding program, concluding programme
    秋季しゅうきfall, autumn
    秋口あきぐちbeginning of autumn, beginning of fall
    晩秋ばんしゅうlate autumn (fall); ninth month of the lunar calendar
    秋風あきかぜ, しゅうふうautumn breeze, fall breeze
    千秋せんしゅうthousand years, many years