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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:98
  • Kun: くび
  • On: シュ
  • Meaning: neck, counter for songs and poems
  • Examples:
    くび, クビneck; head; unemployed person
    首相しゅしょうPrime Minister, Chancellor (Germany, Austria, etc.), Premier
    首脳しゅのうhead, brains, leading spirit
    首都しゅとcapital city, metropolis
    党首とうしゅparty leader
    首都圏しゅとけんthe capital city (often Tokyo) area (typically within 50 km of city's centre) (center)
    首位しゅいfirst place, head position, leading position
    一首いっしゅtanka, poem
    元首げんしゅruler, sovereign
    首長しゅちょうhead (of organization, organisation), chief