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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:0
  • Kun: あらた, やく
  • On: シャク
  • Meaning: miraculous
  • Examples:
    灼熱しゃくねつred hot, scorching heat, incandescence
    灼くやくto bake, to grill; to develop (photos); to suntan; to burn (in flames, down, CD, DVD, etc.), to scorch; to be jealous, to be envious
    灼けるやけるto burn, to be roasted, to be heated, to be sunburnt, to fade (in the sun), to glow red (i.e. of the sky at sunset); to be jealous, to be envious
    灼たあらたclear, vivid, brilliant; prominent, obvious, evident
    灼たかあらたかclearly miraculous, remarkably miraculous
    灼かあらたかclearly miraculous, remarkably miraculous
    焼灼しょうしゃくcautery, cauterization