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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:2314
  • Kun: しお, うしお, せい
  • On: セキ
  • Meaning: eventide, tide, salt water, opportunity
  • Examples:
    しお, うしおtide, current; salt water; opportunity
    血汐ちしおblood spilt from the body; blood cirulating within the body (often as an metaphor for strong emotion or hot-bloodedness)
    汐干狩りしおひがりshell gathering (at low tide), clamming
    引き汐ひきしお, かんちょうebb tide
    潮汐表ちょうせきひょうa tide table
    潮汐摩擦ちょうせきまさつtidal friction
    汐合いしおあいopportunity, chance
    汐汲みしおくみperson who draws water from the sea, drawing water from the sea