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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1328
  • Kun: みみ
  • On: ジ
  • Meaning: ear
  • Examples:
    みみear; hearing; edge, crust; selvedge (non-fray machined edge of fabrics), selvage
    耳目じもくeye and ear; one's attention, one's interest
    中耳炎ちゅうじえんtympanitis (inflammation of middle ear)
    耳打ちみみうちwhisper into a person's ear
    耳鼻咽喉科じびいんこうかotorhinolaryngology, ear, nose and throat
    耳元みみもとclose to the ear
    耳慣れるみみなれるto be something familiar
    初耳はつみみsomething heard for the first time (lit: first ear)
    耳鼻科じびかotolaryngology, concerning the ear, nose, and throat
    内耳ないじinner ear