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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:16
  • Kun: とき, -どき
  • On: ジ
  • Meaning: time, hour
  • Examples:
    ときtime, hour; occasion, moment
    時間じかんtime; hours
    時期じきtime, season, period; soon, shortly
    時代じだいperiod, epoch, era, age; the times, those days; oldness, ancientness, antiquity; antique, period piece
    当時とうじat that time, in those days
    同時どうじsimultaneous(ly), concurrent, same time, synchronous, together
    一時いちじ, いっときone hour, short time, once, a time, temporarily, at one time, twelfth part of a day
    時事じじevents of the day, current affairs
    時半じはんabout an hour, short time; half past (the hour)
    臨時りんじtemporary, special, extraordinary