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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1548
  • Kun: あぶら
  • On: シ
  • Meaning: fat, grease, tallow, lard, rosin, gum, tar
  • Examples:
    あぶらfat, tallow, lard, grease
    脂肪しぼうfat, grease, blubber
    樹脂じゅしresin, rosin
    脂質ししつlipid, fats, adipose
    合成樹脂ごうせいじゅしplastics, synthetic resins
    油脂ゆしfat, fats and oils
    脂肪酸しぼうさんfatty acid
    皮脂ひしsebum, sebaceous matter
    やに, ヤニresin; (tobacco) resin, tar, nicotine; sleep (in one's eyes, i.e. eye mucus)
    脂っこいあぶらっこいgreasy, fatty, oily