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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:310
  • Kun: と.まる, -ど.まり, と.める, -と.める, -ど.め, とど.める, とど.め, とど.まる, や.める, や.む, -や.む, よ.す, -さ.す, -さ.し
  • On: シ
  • Meaning: stop, halt
  • Examples:
    禁止きんしprohibition, inhibition, ban
    停止ていしsuspension, interruption, stoppage, ban, standstill, halt, hang-up, deadlock, stalemate, abeyance
    防止ぼうしprevention, check
    中止ちゅうしsuspension, stoppage, discontinuance, interruption
    廃止はいしabolition, repeal
    歯止めはどめbrake, skid, pawl; restraint, curtailment, self-imposed limit, check
    受け止めるうけとめるto catch, to stop the blow, to react to, to take
    阻止そしobstruction, check, hindrance, prevention, interdiction
    止まるとまる, とどまるto stop, to halt; to remain, to abide, to stay (in the one place); to come to a halt; to be limited to
    差し止めさしとめprohibition, ban, suspension