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Kanji Details:

  • 使
  • Frequency:219
  • Kun: つか.う, つか.い, -つか.い, -づか.い
  • On: シ
  • Meaning: use
  • Examples:
    使わすつかわすto send, to dispatch, to despatch
    使うつかうto use (a thing, method, etc.), to make use of, to put to use; to use (a person, animal, puppet, etc.), to employ, to handle, to manage, to manipulate; to use (time, money, etc.), to spend, to consume; to use (language), to speak; to take (one's lunch), to circulate (bad money)
    使用しようuse, application, employment, utilization, utilisation
    行使こうしuse, exercise
    使いつかいerrand, message, messenger, bearer, use, usage, trainer, tamer, mission, familiar spirit, going as envoy
    使途しとpurpose for which money is spent, the way money is spent
    特使とくしspecial envoy
    労使ろうしlabour and management, labor and management