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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:2400
  • Kun: う
  • On: ボウ, モウ
  • Meaning: sign of the hare or rabbit, 5-7AM, fourth sign of Chinese zodiac, east
  • Examples:
    う, ぼうfourth sign of Chinese zodiac (The Hare, 5am-7am, east, February)
    卯の花うのはなbean-curd lees, soybean pulp, refuse from tofu; deutzia, Deutzia crenata
    卯年うさぎどしyear of the hare
    卯月うづき, うつき, うずきfourth month of the lunar calendar
    卯建うだつshort pillar set on a beam to support a ridgepole
    卯木うつぎdeutzia, Deutzia crenata
    卯建が上がらないうだつがあがらないno hope of getting ahead
    卯月鳥うづきどりlesser cuckoo (Cuculus poliocephalus)
    卯建のあがらないうだつのあがらないlacking potential for advancement, no-hoper