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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1743
  • Kun: ささ
  • On: nan
  • Meaning: bamboo grass
  • Examples:
    ささbamboo grass
    笹原ささはらfield of bamboo grass
    笹がきささがきcut into long thin shavings (primarily vegetables), in the manner a pencil is sharpened with a knife
    笹舟ささぶねtoy bamboo-leaf boat
    熊笹くまざさVeitch's bamboo (low and striped), Sasa veitchii, Sasa albo-marginata
    笹掻きささがきcut into long thin shavings (primarily vegetables), in the manner a pencil is sharpened with a knife
    笹身ささみhigh-quality chicken breast meat
    笹竹ささたけsmall bamboo
    篠笹しのざさgeneral term for bamboo
    笹蜘蛛ささぐも, ササグモOxyopes sertatus (species of lynx spider)