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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:2318
  • Kun: ついたち
  • On: サク
  • Meaning: conjunction (astronomy), first day of month
  • Examples:
    さくnew moon; first day of the lunar month; (in ancient China) next year's calendar and decrees (distributed by the Emperor at year's end)
    つきたちfirst day of the month; first ten days of the lunar month
    ついたち, さくじつ, いっぴfirst day of the month; first ten days of the lunar month
    正朔せいさくbeginning of the month or the year, New Year's Day, the calendar
    八朔はっさくHassaku orange (Citrus hassaku); 1st of August (lunar calendar)
    朔風さくふうnorth wind
    朔望さくぼうfirst and fifteenth days of the lunar month (corresponding to new moon and full moon)
    朔望月さくぼうげつsynodic month
    朔望潮さくぼうちょうspring tide
    朔日ついたち, さくじつ, いっぴfirst day of the month; first ten days of the lunar month