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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:814
  • Kun: けず.る, はつ.る, そ.ぐ
  • On: サク
  • Meaning: plane, sharpen, whittle, pare
  • Examples:
    削減さくげんcut, reduction, curtailment
    掘削くっさくdigging out, excavation
    削るけずるto shave (wood or leather), to sharpen, to plane, to whittle, to pare, to scrape off; to cross out, to reduce, to curtail, to remove, to erase, to delete
    削除さくじょelimination, cancellation, deletion, erasure, DEL (key)
    削り節けずりぶしflaked bonito
    粗削りあらけずりstill in the process of being formed
    さくplane, sharpen, whittle, pare, shave (leather), scrape off, crossout, reduce, curtail
    削り取るけずりとるto shave off, to scrape off
    削ぐそぐto chip, to slice off, to sharpen; to thin down, to reduce, to weaken